User Agreement

User Agreement

This user agreement integrates the terms and conditions for Xploret Travels LLP and its affiliates to provide services to the User(s) looking for purchasing any of the products and/ or services of Xploret Travels LLP by using its website or other channels like sales persons, mobile app, customer support center, agents, information campaigns etc. User and Xploret Travels LLP are referred as 'party' in the agreement while collectively referred as 'parties'.

User's Liability for the Awareness for This Agreement

By accessing or using this site or using any of its services, you are agreed on terms and conditions mentioned below, including any supplementary guidelines and future modifications. Xploret Travels LLP may change, alter or remove any part of these below written Terms and Conditions without any prior notice. All rights and responsibilities of the User and/or Xploret Travels LLP with respect to any services to be provided by Xploret Travels LLP will be limited to the range of this agreement. Xploret Travels LLP has all the rights to conclude the access to any of its services at any point of time, without any prior notice, for any reason. There are certain products or services to be provided by third party suppliers. Besides this agreement, User has to understand and agreed to the terms of services of such suppliers. Such terms of services will be provided and updated by Xploret Travels LLP and shall be considered to be the part of this agreement. The User should read and accept the relevant terms of services for the service/ product availed by him/her. Services of Xploret Travels LLP are offered to the User on the condition of accepting it without any modification. For removing any doubt, it is clarified that by availing the Services of Xploret Travels LLP means User is agreed to this Agreement and the terms of services. If User does not agree with any part of it, he should not avail Xploret Travels LLP's Services.

Third Party Account Information

By using Xploret Travels LLP's website and app, User allows Xploret Travels LLP and its agents to access third party sites, including Banks and other payment gateways, designated by them or on their behalf to retrieve requested details. While registering, the User should choose a password and maintain its privacy. The User is completely responsible for any activity held during using the password or account. It is the duty of the User to intimate Xploret Travels LLP urgently in written in case of experiencing unauthorised use of the account or other security breaching. Xploret Travels LLP will not be  responsible for any loss occurred due to unauthorised use of his password or account.